One Awesome Mom Shares Her $2,000 Knowledge

One mom on the Bedwetting Help for Moms newsletter list has an incredible gift to share.

Her family is in the middle of a $2,000 enuresis treatment plan, and she’s learning a lot about what to do, and what NOT to do, to help her son stay dry at night. I’ve had several parents ask about these treatment plans, but haven’t ever known anyone who gave it a try. In the long run, of course $2,000 is nothing compared to helping your child stay dry. But for many, many families, it’s just not an option.

Shelley’s sharing all she learns here:

Go check it out, and leave a comment!

One response to “One Awesome Mom Shares Her $2,000 Knowledge

  1. ourkidscanstaydry

    Thank you so much for pointing people my way. So sorry to have been offline for a while, but I’m back up and running. I really hope that people receive a blessing from this. It has been such a blessing to us!!

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